Business Growth

Simon Berry
"I know from personal experience that growth is much easier to achieve with help from others. I wish I had learned this sooner. Now I am in a position to help others achieve significant growth too."
"If you aren't growing, you're dying". It sounds a harsh stance, but the reality is there is seldom such a thing as 'status quo' in business. If you aren't moving forward, much of your competition will be. It will therefore only be a matter of time before you start moving backwards.
Equally, if you aren't growing then there will be little room for people to grow within your business, if any at all. Invariably, people need to see progress, it therefore being only a matter of time before they go elsewhere to find it. Often leavers take years of experience and development, not to mention potential trade secrets, with them.
Very rarely do business owners choose not to grow. More often than not, they really want to grow but either lack the investment/cash flow to do so, or have tried many time to grow but failed to make it work. Often, a company will reach a certain size and then, no matter what the owners try or how much they reinvest, they just can't find a way through to the next level.
I know from personal experience that growth is much easier to achieve with expert help from others. I wish I had learned this sooner. Now, I am in a position to help others achieve significant growth too.
My aim is to identify the likely hurdles you will face on the path to achieving your business growth goals, and provide you with a detailed business plan that will see you navigating your way safely past them. Invariably, significant growth requires a level of business coaching and consulting, which I am now well positioned to offer.
How to get started
The first step is to get in touch here and arrange an informal meeting or conversation with me. I will take time to understand your goals and the aspects that have held you back from achieving these to date. I'm always happy to share ideas and discuss things over the phone. It is then up to you whether you wish to look at involving myself and my team in your growth efforts more formally.
How much does it cost?
Costs will be discussed during initial conversations and once we have an idea of the nature of the growth challenges you are facing. Do ask about my 'no-fee structure' where I only stand to gain once you see a significant upturn in your business.